Sponsor Posts with ZipRecruiter

You can now sponsor your jobs with ZipRecruiter, an online job distribution and job board service. ZipRecruiter distributes your jobs to over 100 of the most popular job boards, websites, and social networks with just a single click.

Sponsoring your jobs on ZipRecruiter helps you reach more candidates, in less time. In addition to exposure on 100+ job boards, you also have access to their exclusive job seeker network, which puts your jobs in front of candidates that are actively seeking employment.

Within CATS, choose which jobs you would like to sponsor with ZipRecruiter.

1. Go to the Job that you would like to sponsor. Click Sponsor. Click ZipRecruiter.


2. Select whether you would like a single boost ($99) or a double boost ($199).


3. Click the box confirming the credit card charge. Click Submit.
